Enrolment for all new pupils to the school for the following September takes place during specific dates in January and February. If you click into the Admissions Policy below these dates can be found on the Annual Admissions Notice. We accept late applications also if the class is not full. We also accept admissions to the school during the school year if there is availability in the class you require. For September admissions the following criteria is used when offering places to new pupils:-
Brothers and sisters of children (including step, half and foster siblings) currently enrolled in the school;
Children living in the catchment area of the school (a list of the catchment areas can be found in the Admissions Policy)
Children living within the parish boundary of Urney and Annagelliff (details of the Parish boundary can be found in the Presbytery, Cavan)
Children living outside the parish boundary of Urney and Annagelliff.
School Prospectus