There is huge emphasis placed on the arts in Killygarry N.S. There are many after-school clubs where the children learn to play the ukulele, tin whistle and form part of our school orchestra. The pupils participate in school plays and our school choir and have sung in the Peace Proms and Hallelujah concerts. We have many talented musicians on our staff and have a full range of Samba drums, Ukuleles, guitars, keyboard and an electric piano. We also participate in the Music Generation Programme which gives us access to banjos, mandolins and a Cajon. Visual arts is prominent in the school with involvement in Creative Schools, Creative Clusters and the BLAST Artist in Residency Scheme. The pupils participate annually in the Speech and Drama Exams at all grade levels which is assessed by examiners from the Irish Board of Speech and Drama and perform on stage at Christmas concerts and carol services.